Adventures in buffer underflow...

I wanted to play around with encrypting my swap partition recently, and was impressed by how easy it was in Gentoo.

I add 2 lines to /etc/conf.d/dmcrypt

and change my fstab from /dev/sda2 to /dev/mapper/crypt-swap and I was good to go.  The Gentoo dmcrypt init scripts automatically generate a random key, and format the partition during boot.

Then the fun started... I just wanted to make sure it was working, but the only way to do that is to use up enough memory that my system starts swapping.  Not such an easy task when you have 8 GB of ram.  After a few failed attempts, (even Firefox doesn't use that much memory), I figured that decompressed image files use lots of memory, and decided to open an entire pictures folder with GIMP.  A few hundred windows later, I managed to crash my window server, and still not use enough memory.  Restart X.  Now I was annoyed and determined.  I'm a programmer, I figure I know how to use up memory.  So I wrote a perl script that looks like this:

@temp = <STDIN>;

Let's just load entire files into RAM.  Seems simple enough.  But I needed some big files.  The biggest thing I could find on hand was a 2 GB avi video.  So I cat that into my script, and it doesn't use up memory fast enough.  So I decided to run 3 of them simultaneously.  That's gotta chew up some serious ram, right?  Well, in your memory display, you've got all these fields, like total, used, free, cached, and then  you've got this little neglected field called "buffers."  I've never really paid attention to it before, but apparently, when you run out of it, you have a kernel panic.  (At least I think you do.  As much flack as I give Windows for BSODing, at least they reliably display an error message when they crash.  If you kernel panic in X, everything just stops...)  The last thing I saw before the screen stopped updating was top displaying my buffer memory as 128k.

So here's what I think happened in retrospect.  Perl is a text processing language.  So when I read all of STDIN into an array, it's reading things one line at a time.  Makes sense, right?  But when I decided to send an avi file down the pipe, I'm going to assume that avi files don't have line-ends very often.  So somewhere in my I/O chain, something was buffering gigantic amounts of data looking for a line-end.  Either that, or most of the file got memory mapped, (multiple times?)  and it uses buffer space.  I don't really know what layer actually uses that memory, but apparently it's important.

So, I think the crypto stuff worked fine, but I couldn't verify it, so I just gave up.  If someone actually has access to my swap partition I'm pretty much pwned anyway. It's not worth the instability.

So the moral of the story?  Don't do stupid things on a massive scale.

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