A few gems:
- The difference between /sbin and /usr/sbin
- "The /sbin directory contains executables used in the booting process and in manual recovery from a system failure."
- "/usr/sbin: This directory contains executables used for system administration."
- Reading between the lines here, I think /sbin used to be mounted on a separate partition, for when your file system or disk failed. There's actually a lot of weird directory structure Unix-isms that hark back to either the lack of stable file systems (journalizing was a revolution in disk stability), or the fact that Unix used to handle running out of disk space particularly poorly (and still does as far as I can tell). But it's still better than what it does when it runs out of memory. One of the great testaments to the infrastructure that is Unix, is that killing arbitrary processes was the most stable option they had when running out of memory. But I digress...
- /var is the directory for "files and directories that vary from machine to machine."
- I used to think Unix was a fairly secure system until I read the UNIX-HATERS Handbook, (granted, the adoption of ACLs and the invention of SELinux have improved things slightly). I guess back in the day (you know, when Unix was being invented, back in the '70s and '80s) the big security paradigm was "Trusted Computing." The idea being, you only gave privilege to a set of "trusted software" which was thoroughly audited. This sounds great, assuming you can actually perform these kinds of audits reliably. And it certainly can't hurt to try to enumerate what you trust and to what extent. But, even assuming a lack of malice in your trusted set, one bug in something privileged is enough to do you in. Especially in Unix, where there is "one root to rule them all," and anything installed with setuid root has the potential to open a root shell and do whatever it wants. So it is telling that the entire Appendix devoted to security is called "Guidelines for Writing Trusted Software," which I can summarize as "Don't give things root access." A neat trick from the UNIX-HATERS Handbook is to mount a floppy with a setuid binary...
- These guys seemed to worship I/O Streams. Granted, they were new, and kinda neat back then, but come on. Once you move out of the realm of tape-drives and modems, things get kinda hairy even for things like terminals and, heaven forbid, files. I quote from the section on file access, "A file is an ordered set of bytes of data on a I/O-device. The size of the file on input is determined by an end-of-file condition dependent on device-specific characteristics. The size of a regular-file is determined by the position and number of bytes written on it, no predetermination of the size of a file is necessary or possible." Okay, I'll grant that its nice not to have to worry about file sizes, but making it impossible? Some input streams have finite length, and sometimes you'd like output streams to have a finite length. Being proud of the fact that you support neither, seems mildly crazy. They're also quite proud of the fact that in Unix, files are "nothing more than a stream of bytes" (paraphrased, I couldn't find the exact quote), and that Unix imposes no record structures. (Old school operating systems used to make you read or write to your file in X-byte chunks (records) only, because they were stored on disk this way.) Again, it's great that they have the capability for arbitrary file structures, but (and correct me if I'm ignorant), I thought that record-structures were imposed as an optimization, for when you were doing record-oriented I/O. Otherwise, the OS can split and fragment your file wherever it feels like, instead of at a record boundary. But maybe advances in file systems and disk-drives have rendered this point moot. I'm too ignorant to say.
Those were the highlights. It's amazing to think how far computers have come in 30 years.
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