Alarm clock

In a sudden stroke of genius (the kind that can only occur at 1:30 in the morning), I have just invented the most annoying alarm clock ever.

while true; do beep -f `random 100 2000` -l `random 5 300`; done;

(Where random is a script I wrote that does the obvious.)

Not only is it incredibly annoying, but you can't control-c it, since the beeps are running so fast.  I also had the luck (misfortune?) of running it while sudoed as root, so it ended up with some kind of weird reparenting and so it didn't even stop when I closed my terminal... I finally had to rmmod pcspkr to get it to quit while I hunted down the offending process.

I don't yet know how I will fully use this newfound power, but if nothing else I can guarantee I will be waking up tomorrow morning.

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